Lies Vogeler and Serge Fovel
Our session(s) are structured as builders build a home - from fundations / basics, to walls / new steps, to the roof / new variations. (we recommend this for those able to follow weekly & regular classes - and for those who want to improve also their connexions techniques)
To attend L0 level you need no previous Balboa knowledge. You will learn (or review) your balboa basics and firsts variations. (we also recommend this session if you already knows some basics via tasters or workshops but have never followed a full weekly session for a semester)
To attend INTER level, you need to have followed at least 1 year of weekly classes (30hs minimum), and you are confident with your Balboa basics (down/hold steps, comearound, throw-out, swivels, out-in, lollies) & some variations. This session will add variations on your basics, and increase your confidence in Balboa steps and faster speed.
classes will be given in room Dublin, on Thursdays, starting 21/9 :
INTER from 18h to 19h
BEGIN from 19h to 20h